To be a Christian means to not be like the rest of the world. We are to be different. People should be able to tell within the first few minutes of meeting us as to whether or not you’re a true Christian. We are different and we are supposed to be. I’m not saying that we act different because we are better than anyone else, because we are not. But we act differently because we have absolute truth. Knowing that we know truth and have been born again still doesn’t make us sinless. We constantly have something that needs work. One thing particularly stuck out to me in reading Numbers 11:1-15.

Discontentment. The people of Israel were so discontent with the manna the Lord hath provided them in verse 6 that they acted like living under Egyptian rule would’ve pleased them more than eating manna every day. In verse 10, Moses hears the people weep of their burdens and it quickly affects Moses in a negative way to where he also starts to complain so much so that he asked God to kill him in verse 15.

Like Israel complaining to Moses, and Moses to God; complaining can be contagious. Like a yawn! You see one person yawn then you all of a sudden have the urge to do so yourself. And so, complaining is similar. Look in today’s reading in Mark 14:3-5, same passage also found in John 12:3-6. Mary anoints Jesus, Judas starts complaining, and this leads to the disciples to be discontent with her glorifying Jesus.

Like Israel to Moses, Moses to God, Judas to the disciples, and the disciples to Jesus, the yawn of discontent can lead us down a dark winding road. I find myself, a Christian, yawning with my coworkers. Someone might complain about pay, vacation, what there wives packed them for lunch, or even the weather. It’s so easy to get caught up on being discontent. As usual, God provides us a way to defeat this foe.

We need to rejoice! Yes, again, I say rejoice. We should live with joy in our eyes, be a delight to those around us. For us not to is acting like Judas. If winter is dragging on too long, rejoice that we get to fully experience the changing seasons God has given us. You haven’t had a raise in a couple years? Have delight that you have a roof over your head, and a warm meal in front of you. Your spouse talks too much, or too little? Have joy that God put someone in your life to help you grow spiritually.

“Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice” (‭‭Psalm‬ ‭51:8‬).