As someone has once accurately said, we are either coming out of a trial, in a trial or about to enter a new one.  Yes, that’s life!  And what is our normal response to the trials that frequent our lives?  “Oh Lord, get me out of this trial!” is often essentially our prayer.  Whether it be a physical, financial or emotional struggle we most often essentially ask God to get us out of our trial as soon as possible.  Church prayer lists are often essentially prayers for trials to end quickly, even for unbelievers whose greatest need has nothing to do with the trial that they are in.

That said, take a look at James 1:2-4 which reads, My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”  Did you catch the phrase in verse 2?  “Count it all joy” when you face various trials?  “Umm, excuse me James?” we might be tempted to ask.

That’s right, trials are often times good for us and are not necessarily things we should try to get through as soon as possible.  Why?  Because of the positive and beneficial affect they have on our spiritual lives  If life was nothing but a bed of roses, with great health, financial blessing, friends and fun, who much would we truly grow spiritually?  Oh we tell ourselves we would keep our focus on the Lord and our walk with Him but I think we can all agree that our spiritual lives benefit from times of struggle, from times where were essentially are forced to seek His face and focus on the real issues of life, not the good and fun times that so easily distract us.  So while I’m not advocating we actively look for trials, may we not be so anxious to avoid them at all costs either, recognizing the value they are for us spiritually.