One day the apostle Peter went to the Lord and asked Him how many times should he forgive his brethren. Jesus replied in Matthew 18 with a parable of the two servants who owed money. One Servant owed money to the king, and the other servant owed money to his fellow servant. As you may recall Jesus explained how the king pardoned the servant who was indebted to him even though he was owed a great sum. The pardoned servant then turns around and tries to collect from the other servant even though his debt was not nearly as large as what was owed the king. When that servant could not pay, he was thrown into prison. When the king heard what had transpired, he became enraged with the servant whom he had pardoned and sent him to be tortured. The pardoned servant lacked kindness toward the other servant even when he was shown kindness himself.

Proverbs 28:3 states, “A poor man that oppresseth the poor is like a sweeping rain which leaveth no food.” We are all poor men. We are nothing without the grace of God in our lives. Jesus has paid our debts. When a Christian brother or sister oppresses or tears down another that Christian is forgetting they are just poor. When one does this to a fellow believer, it leaves them feeling hopeless. The last part of the verse describes a destructive rain. A storm like this can wash away crops, take our roads, and lead to despair.

Be a person who uplifts and encourages your fellow servants of Christ. A kind word, a little note, or even just a pat on the back could be all that is needed for a Christian to have the encouragement to keep on going for Christ. Think of a person to whom you can be an encouragement today and act on it.